creator>PhotoSuite>Working with masks>Creating a mask using edge tracing
Creating a mask using edge tracing
To create a mask using edge tracing:
1 In the Tools pane, click Mask/Cutout Edge Tracing.
2 If part of the photo or project is already masked, choose whether to add or subtract the new masked area from the existing mask.
3 Click around the edges of the object that you want to mask until the selection is enclosed.
To begin, click on the photo at the edge of the area you want to mask. A white circle, the starting point, appears. Move the mouse, following the edge of the area you want to mask. PhotoSuite automatically detects the edge and follows it. Click around the area until it is surrounded. Click on the starting point to enclose the area.
4 Click Done tracing.
5 Optional: To unmask everything in the photo except the selected area, click Invert Selection.
Tip: To unmask all areas of the photo, click Reset.
6 If desired, use the Edge Fading slider to increase or decrease the blurring of the edges of the mask.
7 Optional: Repeat this procedure, or use one of the other masking procedures, to either add to the masked area or subtract from it.
See also: